If soulmate cities exist, Paris is definitely mine. I may forget about it and travel elsewhere for years, but eventually I always get the urge to go back and relive my affair with its vibrant elegance. Yes, I know... Paris has many lovers and it is so cliché. It also smells like pee (and seldom washed clothes) plus there are tons of rats everywhere. However, I can't help to be drawn by the way the light falls on its streets, the interesting diversity of its people, how everyone wears hats and the beautiful artsy vibe of Montmartre. It is a magnet for me.
I have lived in many places across the world, but I could never live in Paris. I prefer to keep Paris as my forever lover, so I every time I go back there, I can relive my affair with the city in all its intensity, as if time had never passed by...
So yeah, this is Paris. My Paris. In the fall, which is my season, with its beautiful warm shadows.
PD: I shot this on a work trip more than one year ago and I couldn't get myself to edit the pictures...I was heartbroken I guess (it always happens after Paris). I particularly love this memory because I met one of my best friends: Arabdha, my artist sister. (So yeah, these pics are for you, gorgeous.)

*I completely relate to this little girl. She is my Paris spirit animal.